Alternatives to Dyed Green Toilet Water
You can celebrate St. Patrick's Day with kids in a way that boosts your connection as a family and does NOT involve any green dye.

I don't have anything against green dye. If you want to dye your toilet water green and serve green pancakes and make tiny green footprints all of your house, then by all means, do it!
But it's also okay if you don't have the bandwidth right now to do all or any of that. That doesn't make you any less of a parent.
At the end of the day, what your children really need is to know that you love them, that you're grateful for them, and that you delight in being with them.
This week's two-for-one free printable can help you do just that.
Who doesn't like to get a surprise note? Simply print out these lucky coin notes (black and white version is also provided), cut them out, and tuck them in places for your children to discover. Put one on their bed pillows, on top of the cereal box, in a lunch bag, on the bathroom mirror, in the sock drawer, or anywhere you can think of.
We might say "I love you" to our children all the time, but there's something about getting a note from a parent that's extra special.
Your children just might get into the spirit and start leaving notes for you or for their friends.
This week's printable also includes a St. Patrick's Day themed conversation starter roll-a-dice printable. Family conversations are the perfect opportunity to practice impulse control, flexible thinking, working memory, and sustained attention. If your child struggles with taking turns while in a conversation, this can be a helpful practice activity.
Click here to get your no green dye required St. Patrick's Day printables.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!