Snow Globe Mindfulness Exercises

There's something about snow globes that just gets me into the holiday spirit! But did you know that snow globes can also be used during mindfulness exercises? Here are four different ways to use a snow globe for mindfulness:
❄ To explain mindfulness: Shake the snow globe and think of the swirling snow as your swirling emotions and thoughts. Breathe slowly and watch the flakes settle and the picture become clearer. Let your thoughts and emotions do the same.
❄ Get the wiggles out: Shake the snow globe and set it down. Move your body like you are a snowflake swirling inside the snow globe. Slow down as the snowflakes inside the globe slow down until finally you settle and sink to the ground.
❄ Focus: Shake the snow globe and set it down. Watch the flakes swirling inside. As they start to slow down, pick a flake and try to follow it with your eyes as it swirls and then finally settles to the bottom. Pick another flake and repeat until all of the flakes have settled.
❄ Visualization: Imagine you are a snowflake inside of a snow globe that has just been shaken. What do you feel? See? Hear? Gradually slow your breathing as the swirling slows. Finally you settle down to the bottom of the snow globe. How do you feel now?
Want to see an example? Click here for a video.